Fayer FO

February 02, 2012

Kim Hargreaves pattern from Cherished.
I was wearing this sweater the other day while running errands with my husband.  We were walking in a neighborhood and he looked over at me and said, "Is that a new sweater?"  When I said yes, he asked if I had put it on Ravelry yet!  Ha ha, isn't that funny, he knows the word Ravelry.  Got to love that guy.
Rowan Alpaca Cotton, a Christmas gift from hubbie.
Anyway, I pulled out my phone and hopped onto a cute front porch step belonging to strangers and he took a few quick pictures.  I had to crop my head, my expressions were just awful.

All the pertinent information is here on my Ravelry page, naturally!

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  1. That is a gorgeous pattern - and I love the color. :-) These poor husbands of ours, having to learn new terms like Ravelry. lol

  2. Hehehehe - I love it that you took your pictures on a stranger's porch! I would never have the guts!

    Another beautiful sweater!

    1. Gail, I just changed my settings per your last post. Are you receiving this reply in your inbox? I hope so!

  3. I could see myself in such this sweater! It looks very comfy!
    My husband is also very familiar with ravelry. :)

  4. Dear Kristen, your sweater seems so beautiful. I like the color very much. So good job. Best wishes...

  5. Like, Like, Like :-) Laura

  6. Love that one! And what a cute hubby you've got. Ha ha--I know what you mean about those "headless" days. . .


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