winter flowers

January 24, 2012

I am one day new to Pinterest, a bit late to the party I know.  I don't really know how best to use this resource yet but so far liking it very much.  I have made up some fun boards, one is flower arranging.  I don't know yet how to make the quality of the pictures better for blogging, but in the meantime enjoy these beautiful winter floral arrangements.  (Does anyone know how to grab pins for your blog and have them not be blurry?)

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  1. Ooooh! I like your new header!

    1. Yeah, I agree. Very nice header! I'm not on Pinterest because I think you also have to be on Facebook - which I'm not. Love your first photo!

  2. These are gorgeous!
    I just registered at pinterest, but never had time to figure it out.

  3. Yay! Welcome to Pinterest. I checked out your boards! Oh, and I pinned the cracker toffee you mentioned in the last post, so thank you for that!

  4. welcome to pinterest! I'm on...not very active, but my daughter is pinning lots of inspiration for her wedding and that keeps me busy! (love the new header - especially the font with the hearts!!)

  5. Dear Kristen Very beautiful flowers and very beautiful home decors... Best wishes..


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