Cranberry Capelet

October 07, 2011

I'm so happy to be making a post today, I have been missing blogging so much, I'm going to try and catch up!   I have a few FOs that I'll be posting in the next few days.

First to show is the Cranberry Capelet by Baby Cocktails.  Thea is so great, go check out her Ravelry design page, she has many must-make projects!  I need to make that Irish Coffee pronto.

I love cables, one of my favorites is the big whale bone cable that runs up the front and back of this cape.  These days I'm thinking capes are pretty practical, especially capelets that allow your arms to be free and allow movement such as getting into your purse and putting food and drink into your mouth, and knitting too!   Yarn used was Cascade Yarns Venezia Worsted.  70% Merino and 30% Silk, lovely and good value.  Recommend highly, both the well written pattern and the luscious soft yarn.
I've been fairly productive knitting wise even though we had such a very busy September, and phewie, I'm glad September is gone.  Last month my husband had a hip replacement, long wanted and successful, but that first week home is very, very difficult.  He has bounced back well now and does almost everything with his trusty cane and can't wait to be out on the links and back driving his Corvette in November.  The best thing is he's back to about 95% of his cheery self.
I love that a few Joseph's Coat roses are hanging on!
We also finished our remodel, and maybe not so large as far as remodels go, it caused large messes.  That these two things happened at the same time was not the best timing and still don't know how it exactly happened that way.  Not good.
We also celebrated two birthdays and had one of our largest harvests EVER of tomatoes, pears, apples, and beans.  Normally harvest time is a cause for celebration, but this year it was just all so overwhelming.  Plus I had the flu and felt crummy for two weeks.  So for us, we hope for October to be a month of healing, cleaning up and grateful that some of the things we had been putting off are now done and behind us.

Looking forward to a happy autumn with the yummy soups and casseroles in the kitchen, cozy fires, long evenings busy with yarny stuff and the holidays ahead!

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  1. Glad to read all the good news. That cape is adorable.

  2. What a crazy month for you! I am glad your husband is feeling much better :) great job with the caplet, that color is perfect for fall. Looking forward to see your other finished projects :)

  3. Wow, so many things happening for you!
    Best wishes for your husband's recovery!
    I like your capelet very much! I have a couple of ideas for one, but don't know if I have time to design it.

  4. you've definitely been good-busy! love the capelet in venezia, and that color is stunning! (I want to get to irish coffee, too, but just when I think it's about time...she publishes something new - like vodka gimlet!)

  5. Your capelet looks great! I hope you all have a healthy and relaxing October - you deserve it!

  6. Such a beautiful capelet, you've knit it perfectly.

  7. Whew! You have a had an overwhelming few weeks.
    Very pretty cape! I have a cape in my queue (Burnham Woods), but I've been waffling about it b/c I was afraid it would feel awkward for the very reasons you mentioned. But, after reading your post, I think I must cast on ;).

  8. Sorry to hear you've been overwhelmed--it sounds like you've had a lot to contend with in the past month. I'm glad your DH is on the mend and almost good as new. And you're still knitting (I almost need to do that more when calamity strikes!). What a pretty cape, it looks wonderfully soft and I love that color. Good to have you back blogging!

  9. I LOVE your caplet!!! It looks fantastic on you and is the style is just what I've been looking for :) Also love the Irish Coffee you pointed out!

    Glad to hear the surgery was a success and hubby is almost 100% back to his cheery self!

  10. That is a really lovely cape! Wonderful!

    I'm glad your husband is better. I bet you're eager to get back to those fun adventures you guys always seem to have.


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