Inaugural Sweater

October 28, 2010

First the yarn: 6.5 skeins of SHELTER by Brooklyn Tweed in color Soot. LOVE it, smells wooly good, like friendly clean sheep with a bit of a Lysol note (!) which is appealing to me. It’s bouncy and stretchy when knitting and warm and tweedy while wearing. It reminds me of the old Rowanspun line which was a favorite of mine, but now discontinued. I love that the yarn is local USA grown and milled.
The pattern: Inaugural Sweater by Mary Anarella. Well written, but does not fit like I thought it would. I added inches in length and still a little too short for me. Also the decreases that are made so the sweater would open at the bottom didn’t really work like I wanted, I had to make many more. But my friends and hubby love the sweater, and looking at the pictures, I don’t know what I’m complaining about, it does look pretty cute! Also, I love the look of moss stitch, but hate to do it. This pattern was perfect for me, wide moss stitch lapels that give the look without too much work.

I have so many projects right now I can hardly keep them straight, but I'm up for the challenge! I have baskets filled with half made sweaters everywhere. I love the promise of a new project and start them willy-nilly, (darn it, I wish I could be more faithful to the project at hand) but at least I am being faithful to my yarn fast and am turning my nose up at the enticing Webs and Little Knits sales that pop into my inbox. But still I have such a large stash I'm able to start numerous projects with hardly making a dent. Gads.

This is sweater #15 for 2010, looks like I’ve met my mark and then some. I still have some projects to post, maybe I can get another one in today!

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  1. Isn't that SHELTER amazing? I think the cardi is perfect in the pics too, love the buttons. Bet it'll grow on you as you keep wearing it!

  2. This looks adorable on you!!! Hubby has good taste :) I hear you on the moss stitching being a pain to do but giving a great result. You have reminded me that I must pick my Winter sweater project!


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