Estelle as therapy

July 04, 2010

Here is the Estelle Pullover, size XS, knit with 7.5 skeins Rowan Handknit Cotton, in Turkish Plum, a dark navy. The only mods was to make quite a few more waist decreases and add inches in length. Also, my gauge was 20 per 4 in. instead of 17, so that also brought it in quite a bit and gave it an inch of negative ease. I love this, and have some white cotton worsted that might be made into an Estelle Cardigan. This goes fast and is a well written pattern available as a download. You receive both cardigan and pullover versions. I love the yoke and don't think my pictures give it justice.

After taking a few weeks off to heal my injured right hand, my physical therapist actually recommended I get back to knitting for hand therapy. I was stunned. Knitting as therapy? Perfect! Just my style, and the knitting does actually help to make my hand feel less stiff! Luckily, Estelle was over half finished before my surgery.

Next project will be Arielle in Rowan 4 Ply Cotton. Sexy Knitters on Ravelry are having a Kim Hargreaves knit-a-long and I will join in.

So excuse me, must get back to my hand therapy ;)

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  1. Wow, it's gorgeous!!! I love the yoke.

  2. Beautiful! I didn't know you had injured your hand. What happened?

  3. Wow, you knit that while injured?? Gorgeous! I seriously need to work on my fitness in order to wear sweaters as beautifully as you do. And I love the idea of knitting as therapy - as if I needed any more reasons to love it so!
    Lisa in North Hollywood


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