Betty Draper's Blues

July 21, 2010

I've been gorging on Mad Men repeats in preparation for the upcoming 4th season, so when I needed to order the yarn for a test knit I am doing for marymealittle, Madelyn Tosh's Pashmina in the colorway Betty Draper's Blues won hands down! While Betty's life dissolves around her, and when she is really blue, she can take comfort knowing she has yarn named after her and comfort knowing she has a perfect kitchen! Can she love that kitchen as much as I do? That era is etch-a-sketched in my memory and they are spot-on with the details. I can almost smell the banana bread and the Pall Malls. And the clothes...I can't even get started on that, I just don't have the vocabulary to describe HOW MUCH I LOVE the whole wardrobe on the entire cast. I did, in homage to Mad Men, make not one, but two St. James. I know the secretaries would approve.

But back to my new sweater, I did tell you it was a test knit, right? That means I belong to this tiny private club that's knitting up a super secret pattern that is yet unreleased to the public. We are the only ones in the knitting galaxy making this, so exclusive are we. Sigh. The pattern will be ready for purchase in October or before. I hope to have mine done before summer's end, if my injured (but healing) hand will cooperate. So far, so good, I've only just started but I know already it will be a fun knit. It is well written and uses a new technique for me, horizontal bust darts. The sweater is totally adorable and not so secret that I can't publish a picture of the very pretty Mary modeling her creation Celia.

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  1. That is a pretty design. She makes such pretty sweaters--as do you! I am looking forward to Sunday too!

  2. I love that pullover!! the collar/neckline is fantastic and it looks super wearable.

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  4. OMG I love that sweater! Please tell me the pattern is easy or at least you'll drag me through it on Monday mornings.

  5. That's a super cute sweater! Good luck with the test knit. Make sure there's a version for us not-so-busty girls who don't need darts ;)

  6. Thanks for posting the pics of the pattern--love it, and she does look pretty indeed! So glad to hear your hand is healing up enough to knit! Hope it's all better soon. Glad to hear you're having so much fun with Mad Men! You sound so passionate about it, it's really fun to read!


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